Coin Dealer

Located in Rockford, IL   815-282-4444
Located in Rockford, IL
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Sell or Trade Coins for a Good Price

Sell Your Coins or Check out Our Coin Collection

If you have been collecting coins for years, or are interested in getting into the collection scene, Rockford Coin & Stamp Co is the place for you. Come and see the largest coin collection in the area.

Bring us your coin collection and we will be happy to browse over it make the highest offer for sale or trade. If you are a serious coin collector, then our place is a must-see for you. Come over and lose yourself in our endless collection of currencies from all over the world.

Your Premier Coin Dealer and Collector

Are you a coin collector? If you are, you have come to the right place for collection! We house the largest selection of collectible coins in the area, so you don't have to look elsewhere for a great selection.
We welcome trade-ins. Or a huge selection of rare and collectible coins will leave you with envy. To talk to our coin dealer, call us at 815-282-4444.
To trade or sell coins from your collection, visit us at 4403 Center Terrace.
Come take a look at the largest coin collection in the area!
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